The Dark Side of the Rainbow is actually one of my favourite movies. Well - to call it a movie is quite the understatement. I should correct myself in saying that it is more like an experience.
In 1994, there was numerous chit-chat in multiple underground acid-rock websites, where users swear that they discovered a new way of watching the classic Wizard of Oz. Apparently, rumors were leaked by the legendary band Pink Floyd, that their multi-platinum album titled "Dark Side of the Moon" was meant to be played along with Wizard of Oz. While the band later refuted such claims, the coincidences between the movie and CD were surreal. In short, it really DID play together.
I first experienced The Dark Side of the Moon in 1996 when myself and a buntch of skater friends decided to cut class, smoke trees, and play Daft Punk at my friend's basement. My friend had learnt about the Dark Side of the Rainbow through his older brother (who was a drugged out rocker in our city).
Maybe it was the fumes of the marijuana that had be straight trippin, but i could of sworn that the visuals matched the music. It was a match made in heaven; to this day, i STILL cannot watch Wizard of Oz in its original form without popping in Pink Floyd's a matter of fact, i have NEVER seen the original movie from beginning to end.
Hence, the name i decided to choose for the blog is The Dark Side of the Rainbow (well, that's also a bit of a lie - "Hong Kong Trash" was already taken).
The good news, is that you no longer have to clumsily sync the CD and movie together to experience this (although i suggest that you should). In case you do want to, just turn the TV volume down and press play on the CD when you see that the MGM lion has roared for the 3rd time.
Some lad on Youtube had the courtesy of doing all of this for us. It is divided into several parts (each part is a seperate track on the Pink Floyd CD).
Listen to the music in this 3rd video. Its called "The Great Gig in the Sky". What an amazing track...
I should go now, the boss is suspiciously giving me that evil eye.
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